Wednesday, September 20, 2006

So what has been happening?

Hello all,

Well I thought I would let you know how we are getting on with all the plans.
For those who need to be there, the wedding rehersal is booked for 7pm on Friday 27th April (the night before). It should take about an hour and then afterwards we would love everyone to join us for some last night drinks which will most likely be in the pub next door The Mayfly. I am sure we will be all excited and nervous and in need of a calmer or two!
I have got the dress it's lovely, purple with green spots - darn I wasn't supposed to tell you that, oh well.
The plans are all coming along with most things booked but still a few bits to go.
We have booked a band called Restless who played at my cousin Louise's wedding and had people on the floor all night, so bring some dancing shoes and the evening goes on until 2.30am.
I believe you can start booking flights from October and if anyone wants to book a house to stay in I have some details so let me know and I can pass them on.
Time is flying and it suddenly seems to be getting very near. We have started looking at rings and Jamie has booked the honeymoon which is still a secret from me so I am very curious but trying not to ask too many questions.
We hope you are all well and send you all our love.

Elaine and Jamie


Blogger Michelle H said...

Hi Elaine & Jamie,

Great to hear the plans are coming along. Won't find April coming.

Elaine, Purple is my favourite colour...way to go....

Cousin Michelle in Galway

11:23 pm  

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